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GCDI is a National Non-Governmental, Non for Profit, Humanitarian, Development and Peace Building/PCVE Organization that promotes an all-inclusive society for all.

Area of Focus


GCDI supports education initiatives, ensuring access and quality for all members of society, particularly focusing on vulnerable groups. This includes programs for formal education as well as vocational training and skill development.

Health and Nutrition

GCDI works to improve healthcare access and quality, with a focus on nutrition programs for children and vulnerable populations. They may run clinics, health education campaigns, and provide support for basic healthcare needs.

Food Security (Food Assistance, Livelihood and Agriculture)

GCDI addresses food insecurity through various means such as food assistance programs for immediate relief, livelihood support to promote sustainable income generation, and agricultural initiatives to improve food production and resilience.

Peace Building/Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE)

GCDI engages in activities that promote peace, prevent conflict, and counter violent extremism. This could involve community dialogues, peace education, conflict resolution training, and initiatives to address root causes of violence.

Environment (Climate Change)

GCDI contributes to environmental sustainability efforts, addressing issues like climate change adaptation, conservation, and promoting eco-friendly practices within communities.

Protection (Child Protection, Women Protection and General Protection)

GCDI focuses on protecting vulnerable groups including children and women. This encompasses safeguarding against abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and ensuring access to legal and social protection services.

Governance (Economic Development, Transparency and Accountability, Advocacy and Policy Formulation)

GCDI supports good governance by promoting economic development opportunities, advocating for transparency and accountability in governance systems, and participating in policy formulation for better community outcomes.

WASH (Shelter, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

GCDI works on improving access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and promoting hygiene practices. They may also be involved in providing shelter assistance for displaced populations or those affected by disasters.

Research (Data Collection, Identification, Registration and Profiling)

GCDI conducts research and data collection activities to inform their programs, including identifying and registering vulnerable populations, profiling their needs, and monitoring progress and impact.

GCDI Key Capacity

Permanent Staff
Part-time/Contract Staff
Volunteers Staff
Community Mobilizes across North Eastern States and Abuja

We at GCDI

We at GCDI work in most difficult and hard to reach communities just for the care, love, welfare and promoting status of Youth, Women, Children, Girls, Orphans, Less Privilege, Disables, Minorities, Marginalised, IDPs, Refuges and Aged Groups.

GCDI had recorded tremendous success in project implementation by adhering to Humanitarian Principles, Transparency and Accountability, Judicious Resources Utilization, Coordination, Networking and Synergy (with Partners, Government, Donor, Philanthropist and Private Sector). GCDI has Zero tolerance for Corruption, GBV, Discrimination and Abuse of any nature.

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